
Flexon brand is a qualitative brand name in the field of Wires, cables, powercords and wiring harness. We offer wide range of products designed especially for our customers, combined with advanced research & technology, rapid product development capacity and in depth sales and technical service. Quality is an integrated part of all of our activities, all our plant works according to the quality Standards.

Flexon is a leading supplier of cable solutions for data, communications, energy and specialist applications. Our track record of excellence spans several decades.

Flexon as a part of a global business is able to draw on innovative engineering developments and the best research and technical support available, ensuring our customers are offered a competitive edge.

We act with the utmost professional ethics and integrity.
Honoring our obligations and treating all groups and people with the utmost professional ethics and integrity.

We wish to delight our customers.
Establishing long term mutually beneficial relations with our customers, based on the long term.

We aspire to excellence.
Giving customers total satisfaction, as defined in their own terms and producing well the first time, to customers’ deadlines, and being on time, every time.

We are innovators.
Anticipating the needs of our customers, in new applications and markets, developing and supplying innovative products and services.

We recognize that our suppliers are active partners in our business.
Maintaining and promoting relations with suppliers as innovative, high quality providers and treating them with the utmost professional ethics and integrity.

We do things properly.
Operating in our activity in the most economic manner, with suitable processes and systems, giving our internal and external customers total satisfaction.

We continually improve.
Striving in face of the challenge to continually improve our products, processes and systems, adopting the best practices.

We work as a team.
Actively supporting teamwork and working together to reach common goals, at all levels.

We support personal development.
Using all the talents of our staff and providing good compensation and access to career opportunities.

We share information.
Communicating the goals, direction and action of the company and favoring open, permanent communication.

We conserve the environment and we support the community.
Promoting healthy and safe working conditions and respecting the physical and social environment in which we operate.